We organise shared living arrangement.
At AbilitySeer, we understand the importance of fostering independence and providing support for individuals seeking to lead fulfilling lives. Our Supported Independent Living (SIL) services are designed to empower individuals with diverse needs to thrive in a community setting while enjoying the comforts of their own homes.
Supported independent living is one type of support to help you live in your home or a shared living arrangement.
What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?
Supported independent living is one type of support to help you live in your home or a shared
living arrangement. It includes help or supervision with daily tasks, like personal care or cooking
meals. It helps you live as independently as possible while building your skills. Supported
independent living is for people with higher support needs, who need some level of help at home all the time.
Key Features
- 24/7 support
- Personal Care
- Skill Development
- Social Engagement
- Cost Effective
Supported independent living does not include day-to-day living costs not related to your disability
support needs such as cost of groceries, rent and utilities, vehicle costs etc.
Supported independent living is usually funded when you live with other participants and share
supports with them. If you are not sharing your supports with other participants, supported
independent living is only one of many support options that may suit you.
If you have a pet, please let us know at the time of making the referral. We will advise you
regarding availability of suitable accommodation in which pets are permitted.
Irregular supports are the supports you need for unexpected or unplanned situations. For
example. You may get sick and need to stay home for a few days.
Yes, all residents and families have a say in what their life looks like in their home.
Yes, definitely.
Yes, your other funded supports can continue as usual.
You will be sharing with 2-3 housemates who have been matched to suit your personality,
hobbies, interests and support needs. Your housemates will be people that you will be
sharing many of life’s experiences with and who you will enjoy a social home environment.