Education and Employment

At AbilitySeer, we understand that access to education and employment opportunities is essential for individuals with a disability to achieve their goals and aspirations. Our education and employment matters services are designed to support our clients to access and succeed in education and employment opportunities that are aligned with their skills, interests, and preferences.

Our team of experienced professionals provides expert advice, support, and advocacy to individuals with a disability who are seeking to access education and employment opportunities. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique circumstances and needs, and to support them in overcoming any barriers they may face in accessing and succeeding in education and employment.

 Our education and employment matters services include:

  • Advising individuals with a disability and their families on their education and employment options and opportunities.
  • Providing support to individuals with a disability to access education and training programs, including NDIS-funded programs and other government-funded initiatives.
  • Assisting individuals with a disability to access employment opportunities that are aligned with their skills, interests, and preferences.
  • Supporting individuals with a disability to develop their employment skills, including resume writing, job search strategies, and interview preparation.
  • Advocating for our client’s rights and interests in relation to education and employment matters, including seeking reasonable adjustments and accommodations where required.

We take a person-centred approach to our education and employment matter services, ensuring that our client’s needs and preferences are fully understood and considered. Our team is committed to supporting individuals with a disability to achieve their goals and aspirations in education and employment, and to ensuring that they are treated fairly and equitably in these contexts.

At AbilitySeer, we understand that access to education and employment opportunities can be a source of stress and anxiety for individuals with a disability and their families. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing sensitive, supportive, and effective services to help our clients access and succeed in education and employment opportunities.

If you or a loved one requires education and employment matters support, contact AbilitySeer for expert advice, support, and advocacy. Our team of professionals is committed to supporting individuals with a disability to achieve their goals and aspirations in education and employment, and to ensuring that they receive the support and services they require to succeed.

Contact Us for more information